Saturday, May 24, 2008

Create Online Formative Assessments

Blogger has a feature to put surveys on your blog but if you want to take your classroom assessments to the next level head over to and create an embedded quiz for your blog or website.

Influence Super Delegates Through YouTube

The President and Vice President of The College Democrats of America want you to chime in with an opinion on who they should pledge their vote for.


Create review questions for your students with iQuiz. Students can download the quiz directly to their iPod.

Text Message Novels

Think twice the next time you are about to give detention to a student texting in your class, they may be writing the next great novel. In China authors are writing and distributing novels by texting on their phones.

Bookworm - Scrabble for Elementary Students

Play Scrabble like Bookworm with your students. Students are given letters and have to create words. Unlike Scrabble when students create words they receive potions and treasures.

Mac iSpeak Can Help Fulfill Student IEP

Apple's iSpeak download converts typed text to audio. Teachers can load audio of test question onto iPods to met Individualized Education Plan requirements for test taking. The audio conversion can also aid ESL students or aid students with reading difficulties. iSpeak turns any text into a book on tape.

With Odiogo you can add audio to a blog post. Put reading assignments in blog posts and have students read along with the audio recording that is created.

Easily Create Data Rich Web Pages

Programming as easy as copying and pasting will let students create interactive web sites displaying student data. The Simile Project from MIT developed Exhibit, an open source program taking student expression of data to the next level. The above example is an interactive map of Presidential birthplaces. Check out Simile's web site for more examples.