Monday, May 18, 2009

Symphonies Use Texting to Draw Younger Crowds

Image: Joi via Flickr

The NY Times ran a story describing how symphonies around the country are letting audiences text to choose encores. The symphonies are hoping that a more interactive show will draw younger crowds.

If a 16th century art form can adapt to the times I am sure a 20th century model of schools can change as well.

The best use of cellphones I have read about recently is a History teacher who lets students keep their cellphones on their desk, when a question comes up that no one knows the answer to he lets them text Cha Cha which is a texting search engine for the answer.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Have Google Grade Your Papers

One of the most valuable but under used Google Apps has to be the Forms feature of Google Spreadsheets. I have started giving my students quizzes using Forms. Forms is a tool that lets you create survey questions with multiply choice, short answer or long answer responses. Using the above IF STATEMENT a teacher can program the Google Form to grade itself. I then filter the grades into my gradebook spreadsheet. The above statement checks if the student's answer matches the correct answer of -21 in cell M1. If the answer is correct the student gets 100, if the answer is incorrect the student gets a 0.