Monday, July 14, 2008

Make a Long Story Short

Attention English teachers Spark Notes is the Cliff Notes of the 21st Century. Students can get abbreviated versions of books online. Could this be incorporated into the classroom?

In a related article "The Dumbest Generation? Don't Be Dumb." Newsweek wonders if Generation Y's ignorance of facts like history and geography reflects a dumbness or just an attitude that if it can be looked up I don't have to remember it. IQs have been rising since the 1930s, technology is changing how information is processed. It is still yet to be determined if it is changing for the better or worse. Are multitasking and video games helping or harming our kids? Could these be increasing our thinking ability?

"When Computers Hurt instead of Help" is the NYTimes take on how helping poorer students buy laptops may not be improving their achievement but becoming a distraction.

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