Thursday, August 21, 2008

Texting in the Classroom

In honor of Obama announcing his VP candidate via texting, here are 3 ways you can use cell phones in the classroom this coming school year.

1) Send Homework Text Alerts
Use Text Marks to send out homework reminders to a class of students.

2) Use Wiffiti to have students text suggestions to the smartboard for a word splash.

3) Use Poll Everywhere to assess students by texting answers to multiple choice questions. Bring up the poll results on a computer. Think American Idol.

In a related article
Welcome, Freshman. Have an iPod. Students on college campuses across the country are being offered iPhones and iPod Touches. While a specific use is not being designated by the schools, ideas range from communicating cancelled classes to online research and in class polling. It is refreshing to see the schools take a wait and see approach observing how it fits into studies. Duke University handed out iPods a couple of years ago expecting students to download and record lectures, they were surprised when students started creating their own content to add to the professor's.

Refer back to my post on Cellphone Texting Novels.

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